After a childhood of art projects, story writing and other creative endeavors, Allison somehow found herself graduating law school en route to a career as a corporate attorney. Though she loves her day job, she feared that the creative side of her brain might be dying off a little.  When her children were born and she was dissatisfied with the children’s silhouette offerings available online, she decided to make her own.  Once she discovered the endless possibilities a laser engraver can provide, the idea of starting a design and engraving side business was born.

Allison lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband, two daughters and Mabel, a middle–aged cat prone to anxiety attacks. Though the humming of the engraving machine probably doesn’t help with Mabel’s anxiety, Tudor House Designs has been an exciting venture for the rest of the family.

Growing up, there was an old Tudor house that we passed on the way into town. When we drove by it, I would always acknowledge it with a “There’s the Tudor house!” When I missed it, my parents would try to avoid the subject, because the realization that I’d missed it inevitably set me off and led to repeated and largely unmet demands to turn around and go back.

Given this obsession, it surprised no one that my first house was, in fact, a Tudor – but a much smaller, cuter version.  I thought it was so cute, in fact, that I painted its portrait when we sold it to move to a less cute but more appropriate house for a family of three.  I started painting other houses, sketching out silhouettes of children, and before I knew it, a Glowforge had shown up at my house and I was engraving any flat surface I could find.  There was slightly more to it than that, but crafting is a slippery slope!